...propObjects: Partial<Omit<TripsLayerProps<Table<any>>, "data" | "getWidth" | "getColor" | "getPath" | "getTimestamps"> & _GeoArrowTripsLayerProps & LayerProps & { Static
if this layer renders other layers
Returns true if all async resources are loaded
Returns true if using shader-based WGS84 longitude wrapping
component(Internal) Called by layer manager to transfer state from an old layer
Called when this layer is rendered into the given viewport
Filters sub layers at draw time. Return true if the sub layer should be drawn.
Called once when layer is no longer matched and state will be discarded. Layers can destroy WebGL resources here.
Returns the current change flags
Returns the most recent layer that matched to this state (When reacting to an async event, this layer may no longer be the latest)
called to augment the info object that is bubbled up from a sublayer override Layer.getPickingInfo() because decoding / setting uniform do not apply to a composite layer.
Buffer layout describes how many attribute values are packed for each data object The default (null) is one value each object. Some data formats (e.g. paths, polygons) have various length. Their buffer layout is in the form of [L0, L1, L2, ...]
Called once to set up the initial state. Layers can create WebGL resources here.
Projects a point with current view state from the current layer's coordinate system to the world space
params: { Optional
autoWhether to apply offset mode automatically as does the project shader module.
Offset mode places the origin of the common space at the given viewport's center. It is used in some use cases
to improve precision in the vertex shader due to the fp32 float limitation.
Use autoOffset:false
if the returned position should not be dependent on the current viewport.
Default true
fromThe coordinate origin that the supplied position is in. Default to the same as coordinateOrigin
fromThe coordinate system that the supplied position is in. Default to the same as coordinateSystem
viewport?: defaultThe viewport to use
(Internal) Propagate an error event through the system
Dirty some change flags, will be handled by updateLayer
Update shader input parameters
...props: [props: Partial<{}>]Controls if updateState should be called. By default returns true if any prop has changed
(Internal) Called by deck picker when the hovered object changes to update the auto highlight
Default implementation, all attributes will be invalidated and updated when data changes
Render animated paths that represent vehicle trips.