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Read and write FlatGeobuf files.

    file: Union[str, Path, BinaryIO],
    fs: Optional[ObjectStore] = None,
    batch_size: int = 65536,
    bbox: Tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = None
) -> Table

Read a FlatGeobuf file from a path on disk or a remote location into an Arrow Table.


Reading from a local path:

from geoarrow.rust.core import read_flatgeobuf
table = read_flatgeobuf("path/to/file.fgb")

Reading from a Python file object:

from geoarrow.rust.core import read_flatgeobuf

with open("path/to/file.fgb", "rb") as file:
    table = read_flatgeobuf(file)

Reading from an HTTP(S) url:

from geoarrow.rust.core import read_flatgeobuf

url = ""
table = read_flatgeobuf(url)

Reading from a remote file on an S3 bucket.

from geoarrow.rust.core import ObjectStore, read_flatgeobuf

options = {
    "aws_access_key_id": "...",
    "aws_secret_access_key": "...",
    "aws_region": "..."
fs = ObjectStore('s3://bucket', options=options)
table = read_flatgeobuf("path/in/bucket.fgb", fs=fs)


  • file (Union[str, Path, BinaryIO]) –

    the path to the file or a Python file object in binary read mode.

Other Parameters:

  • fs (Optional[ObjectStore]) –

    an ObjectStore instance for this url. This is required only if the file is at a remote location.

  • batch_size (int) –

    the number of rows to include in each internal batch of the table.

  • bbox (Tuple[float, float, float, float] | None) –

    A spatial filter for reading rows, of the format (minx, miny, maxx, maxy). If set to


  • Table

    Table from FlatGeobuf file. async

    path: str,
    fs: Optional[ObjectStore] = None,
    batch_size: int = 65536,
    bbox: Tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = None
) -> Table

Read a FlatGeobuf file from a url into an Arrow Table.


Reading from an HTTP(S) url:

from geoarrow.rust.core import read_flatgeobuf_async

url = ""
table = await read_flatgeobuf_async(url)

Reading from an S3 bucket:

from geoarrow.rust.core import ObjectStore, read_flatgeobuf_async

options = {
    "aws_access_key_id": "...",
    "aws_secret_access_key": "...",
    "aws_region": "..."
fs = ObjectStore('s3://bucket', options=options)
table = await read_flatgeobuf_async("path/in/bucket.fgb", fs=fs)


  • path (str) –

    the url or relative path to a remote FlatGeobuf file. If an argument is passed for fs, this should be a path fragment relative to the root passed to the ObjectStore constructor.

Other Parameters:

  • fs (Optional[ObjectStore]) –

    an ObjectStore instance for this url. This is required for non-HTTP urls.

  • batch_size (int) –

    the number of rows to include in each internal batch of the table.

  • bbox (Tuple[float, float, float, float] | None) –

    A spatial filter for reading rows, of the format (minx, miny, maxx, maxy). If set to


  • Table

    Table from FlatGeobuf file.

    table: ArrowStreamExportable,
    file: str | Path | BinaryIO,
    write_index: bool = True
) -> None

Write to a FlatGeobuf file on disk.


  • table (ArrowStreamExportable) –

    the Arrow RecordBatch, Table, or RecordBatchReader to write.

  • file (str | Path | BinaryIO) –

    the path to the file or a Python file object in binary write mode.

Other Parameters:

  • write_index (bool) –

    whether to write a spatial index in the FlatGeobuf file. Defaults to True.