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[0.3.0] - 2024-09-07

New Features :magic_wand:

  • Remove geometry class specializations. Instead of PointArray, LineStringArray, etc, there's now just GeometryArray, ChunkedGeometryArray, and Geometry (a scalar).
  • Remove GeoTable class, in favor of external, generic arrow Table implementations, such as arro3.core.Table.
  • Move to slimmer, functional API. No more geometry methods on classes.
  • Don't materialize input data when writing to a file.
  • New GeometryType class for understanding the geometry type of an array or chunked array.
  • Split Python code into three modules: geoarrow-rust-core, geoarrow-rust-compute and geoarrow-rust-io.
  • Support for Pyodide Python environment
  • Support Python file objects for reading and writing GeoParquet

Bug fixes 🐛

[0.2.0] - 2024-03-22

New! ✨

New I/O support for reading and writing to geospatial formats

Better interoperability with the Python geospatial ecosystem.

New algorithms!

Improved display of Python objects:

  • Scalars now display as SVG geometries inside Jupyter environments.
  • Tables, arrays, and chunked arrays implement __repr__ so that you can inspect data easily.

Improved usability:

  • PointArray.from_xy to simplify creating a point array from numpy arrays of coordinates.
  • Index into arrays and chunked arrays with square brackets. E.g. point_array[0] will access the first point in the array. Negative indexing is also supported, so point_array[-1] will get the last item in the array.
  • New top-level docs website.

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

[0.1.0] - 2024-01-08

  • Initial public release.