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Interoperability with other in-memory Python



    path_or_buffer: Path | str | bytes,
    layer: int | str | None = None,
    encoding: str | None = None,
    columns: Sequence[str] | None = None,
    read_geometry: bool = True,
    skip_features: int = 0,
    max_features: int | None = None,
    where: str | None = None,
    bbox: Tuple[float, float, float, float] | Sequence[float] | None = None,
    sql: str | None = None,
    sql_dialect: str | None = None,
) -> RecordBatchReader

Read from an OGR data source to an Arrow Table


  • path_or_buffer (Path | str | bytes) –

    A dataset path or URI, or raw buffer.

  • layer (int | str | None, default: None ) –

    If an integer is provided, it corresponds to the index of the layer with the data source. If a string is provided, it must match the name of the layer in the data source. Defaults to first layer in data source.

  • encoding (str | None, default: None ) –

    If present, will be used as the encoding for reading string values from the data source, unless encoding can be inferred directly from the data source.

  • columns (Sequence[str] | None, default: None ) –

    List of column names to import from the data source. Column names must exactly match the names in the data source, and will be returned in the order they occur in the data source. To avoid reading any columns, pass an empty list-like.

  • read_geometry (bool, default: True ) –

    If True, will read geometry into a GeoSeries. If False, a Pandas DataFrame will be returned instead. Default: True.

  • skip_features (int, default: 0 ) –

    Number of features to skip from the beginning of the file before returning features. If greater than available number of features, an empty DataFrame will be returned. Using this parameter may incur significant overhead if the driver does not support the capability to randomly seek to a specific feature, because it will need to iterate over all prior features.

  • max_features (int | None, default: None ) –

    Number of features to read from the file. Default: None.

  • where (str | None, default: None ) –

    Where clause to filter features in layer by attribute values. If the data source natively supports SQL, its specific SQL dialect should be used (eg. SQLite and GeoPackage: SQLITE, PostgreSQL). If it doesn't, the OGRSQL WHERE syntax should be used. Note that it is not possible to overrule the SQL dialect, this is only possible when you use the sql parameter.

    Examples: "ISO_A3 = 'CAN'", "POP_EST > 10000000 AND POP_EST < 100000000"

  • bbox (Tuple[float, float, float, float] | Sequence[float] | None, default: None ) –

    If present, will be used to filter records whose geometry intersects this box. This must be in the same CRS as the dataset. If GEOS is present and used by GDAL, only geometries that intersect this bbox will be returned; if GEOS is not available or not used by GDAL, all geometries with bounding boxes that intersect this bbox will be returned. Cannot be combined with mask keyword.

  • mask

    Shapely geometry, optional (default: None) If present, will be used to filter records whose geometry intersects this geometry. This must be in the same CRS as the dataset. If GEOS is present and used by GDAL, only geometries that intersect this geometry will be returned; if GEOS is not available or not used by GDAL, all geometries with bounding boxes that intersect the bounding box of this geometry will be returned. Requires Shapely >= 2.0. Cannot be combined with bbox keyword.

  • fids

    array-like, optional (default: None) Array of integer feature id (FID) values to select. Cannot be combined with other keywords to select a subset (skip_features, max_features, where, bbox, mask, or sql). Note that the starting index is driver and file specific (e.g. typically 0 for Shapefile and 1 for GeoPackage, but can still depend on the specific file). The performance of reading a large number of features usings FIDs is also driver specific.

  • sql (str | None, default: None ) –

    The SQL statement to execute. Look at the sql_dialect parameter for more information on the syntax to use for the query. When combined with other keywords like columns, skip_features, max_features, where, bbox, or mask, those are applied after the SQL query. Be aware that this can have an impact on performance, (e.g. filtering with the bbox or mask keywords may not use spatial indexes). Cannot be combined with the layer or fids keywords.

  • sql_dialect

    str, optional (default: None) The SQL dialect the SQL statement is written in. Possible values:

    • None: if the data source natively supports SQL, its specific SQL dialect will be used by default (eg. SQLite and Geopackage: SQLITE, PostgreSQL). If the data source doesn't natively support SQL, the OGRSQL dialect is the default.
    • 'OGRSQL': can be used on any data source. Performance can suffer when used on data sources with native support for SQL.
    • 'SQLITE': can be used on any data source. All spatialite functions can be used. Performance can suffer on data sources with native support for SQL, except for Geopackage and SQLite as this is their native SQL dialect.



from_ewkb(input: ArrowArrayExportable) -> GeometryArray

Parse an Arrow BinaryArray from EWKB to its GeoArrow-native counterpart.




from_geopandas(input: GeoDataFrame) -> Table

Create a GeoArrow Table from a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame.

  • Currently this will always generate a non-chunked GeoArrow array. This is partly because pyarrow.Table.from_pandas always creates a single batch.



  • Table

    A GeoArrow Table


from_shapely(input, *, crs: Any | None = None) -> GeometryArray

Create a GeoArrow array from an array of Shapely geometries.

  • Currently this will always generate a non-chunked GeoArrow array. Use the from_shapely method on a chunked GeoArrow array class to construct a chunked array.
  • This will first call to_ragged_array, falling back to to_wkb if necessary. If you know you have mixed-type geometries in your column, use [MixedGeometryArray.from_shapely][geoarrow.rust.core.MixedGeometryArray.from_shapely].

This is because to_ragged_array is the fastest approach but fails on mixed-type geometries. It supports combining Multi-* geometries with non-multi-geometries in the same array, so you can combine e.g. Point and MultiPoint geometries in the same array, but to_ragged_array doesn't work if you have Point and Polygon geometries in the same array.


input: Any array object accepted by Shapely, including numpy object arrays and geopandas.GeoSeries.


A GeoArrow array


from_wkb(input: ArrowArrayExportable) -> GeometryArray

Parse an Arrow BinaryArray from WKB to its GeoArrow-native counterpart.

This expects ISO-formatted WKB geometries.




from_wkt(input: ArrowArrayExportable) -> GeometryArray

Parse an Arrow StringArray from WKT to its GeoArrow-native counterpart.




to_geopandas(input: ArrowStreamExportable) -> GeoDataFrame

Convert a GeoArrow Table to a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame.


Args: input: A GeoArrow Table.



Convert a GeoArrow array to a numpy array of Shapely objects




Encode a GeoArrow-native geometry array to a WKBArray, holding ISO-formatted WKB geometries.

